Friday, 18 June 2010

Something for the weekend...

The character of Jules Winfield from Pulp Fiction came to mind for some reason or the other. Quality or what? I wouldn't mess with him. Plus here are a couple of David Hockney paintings from recent years where our man has revisited his Yorkshire roots, paintbrush in hand. Unsurprisingly, the colours are less exuberant than his Californian stuff.

Cut trees in Woldgate (2008)

Something or the other...

Our man in front of Bigger Trees Near Warter (2007). I like Hockney. I can recognise a fellow member of the Yorkshire awkward squad when I see one. This last picture isn't a recent Yorkshire landscape. It's from 1977 and is of a couple of elderly Yorkshire persons - his parents. It's full of warmth and affection. I like.


怡如怡如 said...
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white rabbit said...

Have a good weekend yourself Findon.

Note to Chinese spammers (not that they are likely to read this as I assume the spamming is automated). I believe in free specch but not in your right to park your garbage in comments on my blog. Now get lost.