The law I do is concerned with blood splatter patterns, bodily fluids and firearms residues as opposed to the more esoteric (and lucrative) commercial stuff. I am also a published novelist ('twentytwelve' published by Adonis and Abbey in 2006) which you should all order immediately in support of my desperate attempt to get its rating below half a million!
With Hat Tip to Unique Stephen, here is a purity test. Go on. You know you want to. I scored a sexually- erm - you know - of 69. I kid you not. Memo to UK readers: a hickey is apparently a lovebite sort of thing...
"You answered "yes" to 71 of 100 questions, making you 29.0% sexually pure (71.0% sexually corrupt); that is, you are 29.0% pure in the sex domain. Your Weirdness Factor (AKA Uniqueness Factor) is 25%, based on a comparison of your test results with 1219397 other submissions for this test."
Only 61 for me; but I never did drugs and orgies in the 60's and 70's which I'm certain kept my number down. Still, it appears we're all above the average.
You've never heard of a hickey in the UK? Yeah that's when you suck on someone's neck long enough to leave a huge red mark that doesn't go away for days.
I have some work to do...only a 64 here. :(
"You answered "yes" to 71 of 100 questions, making you 29.0% sexually pure (71.0% sexually corrupt); that is, you are 29.0% pure in the sex domain.
Your Weirdness Factor (AKA Uniqueness Factor) is 25%, based on a comparison of your test results with 1219397 other submissions for this test."
I rest my case.
Only 61 for me; but I never did drugs and orgies in the 60's and 70's which I'm certain kept my number down. Still, it appears we're all above the average.
Earl, DHG, Catchy - Plucky efforts all round. There seems to be a bit of a pattern here - and indeed above average...
68.0% sexually corrupt
and here i thought i'd gotten my freak on like a wild child back in the day! xoxoxo
76% sexually corrupt.
You've never heard of a hickey in the UK? Yeah that's when you suck on someone's neck long enough to leave a huge red mark that doesn't go away for days.
The Maven is 64% sexually corrupt...don't know when, if ever I've done so poorly on an exam. Hmmmf.
83% sexually corrupt. No animals, no kids, no cocaine.
Ha! Word verification: pness!
I'm a kinky pervert but boy I was miffed that two girls beat me. 82%
No animals, no kids.
Hey! I,m 25% Pure!
thanks for this,it kinda gives me some focus for next weekend......
Savvy - Beat you by a point! ;)
Mrs Hall - um, Lucky Mr Hall ;)
JoJo - No, it's not an English English word. nearest equivalent lovebite. No score I notice...
Maven - It seems kinda average so best not to worry.
Hank/Stephen - Bloody Hell!!!
Tony - 25% pure! That's nice.
have look on How pure are you article for adult to answer a quiz.
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