The ever diligent Mahal draws the rabbit's attention to the Montana Testicle Festival - expressing some doubt as to whether on not he had stumbled across an ingenious hoax. Nope! It's all for real! Testicles? Yum! (allegedly). People go for holidays there. And it's not at all like Skegness.
It claims to be the world's largest testicle festival. What competition it may have for this accolade remains obscure. Its motto is 'I had a ball at the Testicle Festival' I suppose no-one should be surprised at this. What do 15,000+ poor loons, sorry aficionados gather to eat? Erm - bull testicles - also known as Rocky Mountain oysters (the rabbit actually knew this already - don't ask why). The testicle festival website helpfully explains 'the membrane is peeled, marinated in beer, breaded four times, and deep fried to result in what appears to be a fat breaded pork tenderloin'. With veins I gather. An uplifting thought the veins.
You can't bring children or booze (the latter prohiobition is so that they can sell you theirs). Once there activities are not confined to tucking in to bull's bollocks. There is a lot of drinking going on - probably to get rid of the taste of the bull's bollocks or - more likely - because these people are drunks.

DIS.GUS.TING. Both the Rocky Mtn oysters and the white trash people.
Looks like a hoot! Bunch of folks who don't care that they look like fools. The better to make fun of them, ya see.
I've never understood how men can happily crunch on RM oysters, yet cringe at a tv show or movie when a man is hit between the legs.
come on, sugar! i know y'all have something equally as trashy across the pond! ;~) xoxoxoxo
That first lady certainly has a pair
It's fascinating and revolting what some refer to as culture. Ouch.
The mid west is a world unto itself, and although technically Montana is considered the NW... I still lump it in the MW category.
Hope your week is groovy and may your testicles not suffer PTSD from all this testicular disrespect.
peace, pf
Not yet Savannah, but give us time. There are people over here working on it.
Interesting varied reactions here.
Catchy - plainly there's a lack of empathy with the bulls going on here...
Stephen - Quite so. The bloke's aren't small either ;)
Savvy/Mahal - We are indeed working on this...
Little Flower - my testicles are in therapy after this. They may recover with a large award of damages from the orgaisers of this event.
All - Thinking about it you (I?) can be too sniffy about this sort of thing - I suppose it does no harm (unless you are a bull). It's not my idea of a holiday though.
Oh. My. Goodness. When breaded and deep fried, you can find a group that will eat anything. And don't tell me it tastes like chicken...
My Dear Bunny,
This is a Post to make Clients attneding Vasectomy Outpatients wince with EXTREME discomfort........!!
Oh...that's nasty...
Montana is defintely not included in the Pacific Northwest geography. It's a mountain state. We are: far Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Western Idaho & their panhandle, and British Columbia.
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