The law I do is concerned with blood splatter patterns, bodily fluids and firearms residues as opposed to the more esoteric (and lucrative) commercial stuff. I am also a published novelist ('twentytwelve' published by Adonis and Abbey in 2006) which you should all order immediately in support of my desperate attempt to get its rating below half a million!
100 years old today! Happy Birthday Your Wolfness in the extravagantly improbable event that you read this! Below is - stolen from Hank's Dreams to which Hat Tip (link to left) - is proof that there was a time when irony was unknown.
I didn't even know Howling Wolf was still alive!
Those hairdos are ghastly.
What a tune and what a legend.
Hail The Mighty Wolf!
Hey , I see Buddy Guy in Manchester next month.Who said The Good Die Young?
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