To crank up the legal content of this blog, here is the sinisterly named Minister of Justice, Jack Straw. I'm not quite sure what he's got there...
Hat Tip to Prisoners Families Voices via Jailhouse lawyer.
Also here is a meeting of the Jack Straw Fan Club. Notice how they are gazing adoringly up at him. Well you would, wouldn't you?
Hat Tip to Your Girlfriend is Ugly.
Okay, after the scaly fellows, I suppose you deserve a bonus. Explanations for overseas readers needed. Eddie Stobart is the name of a chain of trucks (okay it's the name of a person too - as in the person who set up the haulage business). Each truck has a distinct woman's name on the grille. Sad people make a hobby of spotting Eddie Stobart trucks, logging their registration plates and names. They post the details on Eddie Stobart Saddo websites. This is just too sad. The YouTube clip is funny, though. Enjoy!
Jack Straw Illustrates That Drugs arnt BIG & They aint Clever............
Jack Straw? Really? That's his name? I thought he was from Wichita and shot his buddy down. And dug for him a shallow grave and laid his body down. Half a mile from Utah, by the morning light. One man gone and another to go, my old buddy you're moving much too slooooowwwww....
Hey, thanks for the link for your book. It's on Amazon here in the states so I won't have to pay the airmail shipping and foreign transaction fee! :D
well, sugar, your mr. starw looks guilty of something, that's for sure! the prank call video was really funny, if a tad difficult to understand at times... xoxoxox
ps. i think i might have answered your request for information with today's post.
The Eddie Stobart phone call I found very funny particularly near the end.
Savannah/JHL _ The call is a cracker!
Tony/JoJo - A very odd boy Mr Straw. I think I prefer the one in the Dead song ;)
As Mr Straw is my boss I shall refrain from making any comment... other than, he wasted £300,000 training me and now he's making me do a job any single cell organism could do for the minimum wage.
I have a confession to make. My name is on the front of one of Eddie's trucks. Not telling you what it is though.
I do love how the fishies are looking up at the stuffy old judge! You crack me up WR!
St Jude - Your name is on the fromnt of an Eddie Stobart truck???
I'm seriously impressed!
You can whisper which one. I promise not to tell.
Findon - I'd have to agree Munro bagging a better option. Trainspotters seriopusly weird IMO.
Fleur - They are impressive in their devotion, aren't they?
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