Wednesday 19 August 2009

Tiny Terrorists...

I report without further comment that the Metropolitan Police have used the provisions of the Terrorism Act 2000 to stop and search 58 children aged 9 or under (and therefore below the age of criminal responsibility). There is no need for reasonable suspicion before effecting a stop and search under the Act. Breaking another promise not to comment further, so far as I am aware, terrorism among the under tens is not a major problem. The painting is 'and when did you last see your father?' by W.F. Yeames, a nineteenth century imagining of a fictional Civil War event.

And below for no other reason than it came to mind and still amuses me hugely is Alexei Sayle's Hello John got a new motor?


Minx said...

My Dear Rabbit,

Would not ' Dr Maartens Boots' by the self same Mr Sayle be more appropriate?!?
( word captcha 'woowoe'; is blogger having an emo moment?!?)

white rabbit said...

Minx - We don't do appropriate here. We do random ;)

JoJo said...

Hey I remember Alexei Sayle from "The Young Ones"!! Great show.