Sunday 20 March 2011

Here comes trouble.....

Gadaffi is undoubtedly a loathsome toad and not playing with a full deck. This is a bad combination. If unrestrained he will undoubtedly butcher as many of that sector of his population as he can - and then lie about doing so. This Gadaffi is of course not to be confused with the reformed chaacter we could do business with and friend of T. Blair.

The Libyan rebels are brave and fighting against an undoubted tyranny. And yet. And yet. Something deep down inside me tells me that no good will come of this - and may even make Gadaffi some sort of grotesque hero.

The rabbit will simply for the moment tender an article by arab journalist Abdel al-Bari Atwan from yesterday's edition of the rabbit's usual dose of liberal rhubarb. We shall see...

He asks an interesting question - why was there no 'no fly zone' over Gaza 2008-9?'



That would be because...

On a less grave matter and following on from the obituary of Owsley Stanley, we consider the Grateful Dead dancing teddy bear. Owsley, commonlly known as 'Bear' and who used the dancing bear on his - erm - LSD commented...
The bears were actually doing a high-step march-not dancing'.

Discuss. - Teddy Bears


JoJo said...

The bears doing a high step march? you mean like the nazi goose step? Nah....they are dancing. lol

sybil law said...

Gadaffi is a freaking crazy genius, fo sho. I hope someone takes him out.

I'd heard the march thing, too. Marching to their own drums, I guess..

Petit fleur said...

Silly me, I thought they were truckin'


Minx said...

Thoughtful post with regard to Gadawful, Bunny. The piece from the Grauniad is particularly telling.

I share your sentiments on this issue. I do wonder why on earth it is that the UK is once again rattling the sabre of aggression when we really cant afford it, particularly when we are already tied up in the long term on two other fronts, both of which seem to be now a tragic waste of lives and time.


I had no idea the Dead had an affectation for Teddies. My musical knowledge is, generally rather poor and since you are a superior deadhead, you'll have to explain it all to me!!

shirley baird said...

We are having a discussion about Libya here in the states too. We are already fighting two seemingly unwinnable wars with a great cost in human life and tax dollars.

Laci the Chinese Crested said...

So, that's where the bear came from. And here I thought it was a reference to the Teddy Bear's Picnic.


Not white and not a rabbit either said...

I've been reading your blog, off and on, for a while now, but I'm commenting here for the first time.

This Libya thing has been discussed to death -- how could it be otherwise? -- and although I myself feel very strongly about this issue, I'm not sure what exactly it is I want done.

Two aspects:

First, the obvious hypocrisy thing. You let the Israelis go scot free, you let the Ivory Coast carnage happen, but just because Libya has oil, and just because Gaddafi is a chronic bad boy, you move in. Bad. Not done.

On the other hand. The other aspect. Because you haven't or can't help those being butchered everywhere, does it follow you don't do it anywhere at all? And if just in one place, why not pick and choose? Isn't it better to inconsistenly save the people of one country, than consistently let them die?

Again, you may say: good, bad or ugly, it's their country and their life right? So keep out, respect their sovereignity. Well, that's fine, but isn't it better to save lives than indulge in hair-splitting?

I don't know what to think. Like I said, I feel very strongly on this, but heck, I don't know what exactly I do want done.

I'm glad my name isn't Barack Obama!

But seriously, do you (or anyone else here), given this two-option catch-22, really have clear-cut opinion or view, with concrete reasons for that view? Some resolution of this problem I'm facing (which is why I haven't yet joined my protester friends this time, much to their disgust)?

What would you, bunny, do had you been barack obama?