The rabbit confesses to being a little time poor at the moment so here is some surrealism to keep you going. The rabbit also confesses a partiality for the surreal (even to the extent that he is regularly to be seen wandering about in an eighteenth century style peruque or periwig). The artist is a Russian called Vladimir Kush. He is 44 and therefore very post Soviet. I can't imagine how his work would have been received in the era of socialist realism. Okay I can - not very well... He now lives and works in the USA. Have a bit of socialist realism for a laugh. Here we have yer actual J.V. Stalin and young admirers...
oh dear rabbit! forget the surrealism, i am in love! i've just finished watching new street law and now, y'all have shown me pictures of those lovely wigs and legal dress! (my word, i had no idea those little wigs were so expensive!) i shall go through the rest of the day thinking of...well, if you can't guess...xoxoxox
(john hannah) ;~D
Savvy - Ermmmm... Thinking of wigs?
I think this Kush guy is great, though. More Kush stuff to follow, I suspect.
I LOVE those surreal pictures!!
Where would surrealism be without fish and melting clocks?? Seriously I dig it. I especially like the guy paddling upstream on the tree... But I donno, the fish and the cloud one were pretty cool too. Reminds me of the trippy years.
What's all this about those crazy wigs?? Do YOU actually have to wear one? Oh dear me!
Especially love that fish!
Dali is sometimes a little OTT for me. Especially 'Soft Construction with Baked Beans (Premonition of Civil War)'.
My jaw dropped for about 10 minutes when I first saw that one.
I went to Russia last year and popped my head round the door of a small bar and says to the barkeep "hello, mate! Is Lenin?"
Surely you are aware of how Ernst Neizvestny's sculptures were received at the Manege by the officials then? I can elaborate.
Lula - Erm, quite so. I think of little else...
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