Debbie Harry caused a great deal of - erm - excitement to gentlemen of a certain age. As a gentleman of a certain age, I'm saying nothing apart from 'nice fish!' Plus 'what is Darth Vader doing in this clip?'
Here is our heroine and pals on German TV, fortified by a slug on a bottle.
A lot of 'embedding disabled by request' for Blondie stuff but here's another that sneaked under the bar.

The fish in the first clip put me in mind of this nice piece of surrealism. I know I said no more spoof posters. I lied. maybe just one more. I promise I'll really stop after this. Jus one more lil poster can't do any harm...

Best Tombstone Yet.
Yes,Ms Harry, Drools.
Can't. Stand. Blondie!!
God bless Debbie Harry, Blondie's music was a bag of old tits but she is lush.
I'm of that age. Yeah...she's a fire cracker all right.
Well, if Jojo doesn't like Blondie, then I don't either! haha! Seriously, I don't much remember her. I do remember the name though.
I totally love the touch of surrealism... and that "last" poster... it's a DOOOOZIE!
Peace out.
PS... This has nothing to do with your post, but how do you feel about Kipper? Kipper the dog? You know, the dog with the slipper?
Just curious.
pf pps We adore Kipper!
I woudl have done Debbie - back in the day
Might I add that she also caused excitement in women. Those outfits, that pout we instantly copied and developed an attitude. Later she went a bit mainstream.
I love that cat painting.
Everyone - Oh dear! That enlivened matters didn't it! Seems to be a broad consensus among men of a certain age here! Plus Kaz but definitely minus JoJo and Fleur btw Little Flower, I'd never heard of Kipper the Dog - but google means you never have to say you don't know...
They call him Kipper
Kipper the dog
The dog with the slipper
That's Kipper
Kipper the dog
Ermmm... Quite so.
ps JoJo/Fleur - as two of my fave blogpeople you can dislike Blondie just as much as you like!
Thank you. I never found the music to be all that cutting edge, considering Blondie emerged from the NY punk/CBGB scene. I have lots of gay friends who adore her though. But let's face it, Debby Harry is no Chrissie Hynde, Poly Styrene of X Ray Spex, or Siouxsie Sioux.....
JoJo - I used to know Polly Styrene's sister. Obscure claim to non-fame....
I love, love, love the punk & new wave that was coming out of England in the late 70's-early/mid 80's!
Word verif: Taster
WR, I was mostly just commiserating/supporting my new bloggy pal JoJo... and maybe going for a giggle. I really have no opinion on Blondie and don't remember her tunes. I can say that video is sort of lame. She does not look like she's having fun at all!
But as always, I learned something here at WR. I like that you are so all over the place with your posts! And of course all the cool and deeply twisted followers you attract. heh heh!
Fleur - All over the place? Yup, suppose so!
Did you realize that was a lovely brunette Debbie Harry in bunny garb in my post from early February? (
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