Saturday, 1 January 2011

An Ideal Husband and other stuff...

The rabbit is coming up for air briefly after seasonal stuff. The seasonal stuff included a first ever visit to the Vaudeville Theatre to see Oscar Wilde's An Ideal Husband. The rabbit and his companions got box seats at day ticket prices of £10, which induced smugness all round as we waved graciously to the common herd down in the stalls from our box seats. An Ideal Husband isn't Oscar's best play - The Importance of Being Earnest is perfection - delicious zingy one liner after delicious zingy one liner - and perfection by definition cannot be improved on. But An Ideal Husband is pretty good. Follow the Oscar gems on the clip above.


The rabbit also caught Love and Other Drugs - this was not and would not have been the rabbit's choice - asort of romcom cum weepie but the rabbit was generally entertained and found Anne Hathaway most pleasing to the eye. It also has a rather good soundtrack, including a rabbit favourite - Fatboy Slim's Praise You.Like sooooo.....

Lengthier postings to follow soon. Australian readers will notice that the rabbit - with commendable forbearance - hasn't even mentioned The Ashes. This is a gloating-free zone!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Hee! Hee! Hee!


savannah said...

Happy New Year, Rabbit! xoxoxoxo

JoJo said...

Happy New Year!! Love the Fatboy Slim tune.

Fave Oscar Wilde quote:

"It's an odd thing, but anyone who disappears is said to be seen in San Francisco.
It must be a delightful city and possess all the attractions of the next world"

tony said...

Happy New Year Rabbit ! I expect to see a You Tube of Gram Parsons "We'll Sweep Out The Ashes" anyday now ,just for your Australian Visitors!

Petit fleur said...

Glad you enjoyed your Oscar Wilde.

The Fatboy is great. I'm not really down with the crazed hopping aerobicsizers though. They kind of got on my nerves.

Have I already wished you a happy New Year? Happy New Year Rabbit~!


Minx said...

My Dear Bunny,

A happy new year to you and the minor bunnies; I do hope you enjoyed seasonal cheer to its max!

I absolutely ADORE Oscar, and wish, as we probably all do for even for a tenth of his dry, quick wit. I am particularly fond of his musings when it comes to sitting down to write:
" I was working on the proof of one of my poems all the morning, and took out a comma. In the afternoon, I put it back again"
Chimes in nicely with general thesis monster struggles.
I think I will get a job dancing badly for FBS ( not too much of a trick since even standing badly comes quite naturally to me, these days)

white rabbit said...

And thanks to all for kind new year wishes - ever onward and upward!

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Happy New Year, buddy!
