Saturday, 10 July 2010

New England shirt and more 50s ads...

Without further comment. Pinched from Charon QC who pinched it from somewhere else. So the blogworld goes round. Here's a 50s advert for tomato catsup (sic) from the old trusty

Below is the same child (I think) appearing slightly less red and attacking a plate of baked beans. Note the sauce running down his chin.

What is it about these 50s food ads that they seem to be populated by gluttonous looking, seemingly demonically possessed children? The one below looks downright evil. Must be the little pork sausages that are unhinging him. Stupid hat too.

Good God boy! Put your tongue back in your mouth. People have been arrested for less!

The caption to this advert is 'buy self service meats in cellophane' - obviously introducing the punters to this new and difficult concept. Nice touch, the white gloves.

Many of the adverts are from the meat industry, seemingly in defensive mode. Why so sensitive, I wonder. This one dates from 1948 if that helps anyone...

A number of the ads show deeply unappetising looking meals. For example, how horrid is this?

As for this one, I've no idea what it is. Maybe those Argentines got poor Paul!


white rabbit said...

usually delete Chinese spam stuff but I ran the above through a translator. It came back as ...

Luther: “Even if knew tomorrow world will soon destroy, I am still willing in today to plant small (there it ends)

Luther was once asked what he would do if he knew Christ was coming tomorrow and replied 'I would still plant potatoes today' (odd things the rabbit happens to know) which sounds a bit like the translated stuff but I don't see the point. As the young people would say 'a bit random'

Catch Her in the Wry said...

Ooo...electronic fortune cookie!

The last picture is of the great all-American dish of macaroni and cheese, but creatively topped with deviled eggs with MORE cheese, and accompanied by fresh tomatoes.

Velveeta cheese was very popular in the 1950's (actually still is in many households). If you haven't had it, it is a long, semi-soft rectangle of yellow processed something, encased in a foil wrapper in a cardboard box. When melted it becomes a creamy sauce. Personally, I stay away from it but unfortunately it was a staple in my household when I was a child.

Americans really do love cheese - especially fake cheese.

white rabbit said...

Catchy - electronic fortune cookie?

Thanks for explanation of meal - it still looks seriously gross though, and must be about a billion calories a forkful.

Somehow we denied ourselves the pleasure of Velveeta cheese. Must be to do with the relative austerity of the UK in the 50s...

savannah said...

velveeta was (and still is) great when used as fish bait! xoxoxox

Catch Her in the Wry said...

Explanation: Chinese advice/proverbs are found in fortune cookies. Getting them as a comment on a blog is the new electronic version. Sorry - I sometimes have a strange sense of humor.

wv: surizine - a publication featuring everything you want to know about Tom Cruise's daughter

JoJo said...

LMAO! I just got home from the Safeway. Hang on a sec, I need to change out of my pearls, gloves and dress.

Those meals are so GROSS!!! The mac and cheese with cheesy deviled eggs should come with an angioplasty on the side.

tony said...

just For The Craic, I might copy&Paste "馬丁路德:「即使知道明天世界即將毀滅,我仍願在今天種下一棵小樹。" & take it as an order to my local Chinese takeaway tonight.I wonder what they will give me.........?

white rabbit said...

Savvy - Throw a big enough lump of Velveeta and you'd probably knock the poor fish out!

Catchy - Okayyyyy... Got there in the end!

JoJo - Personally I put on top hat and tails to go to the supermarket. The meals really are gross. The idea that they are intended to get you to eat this stuff is troubling.

Tony - A tree? Martin Luther (decd.)?

Sarcastic Bastard said...

I hate peas. Just the smell makes me want to hurl. The peas in gravy dish is my personal nightmare.

The pork n beans kid is a fucking devil child. He needs a damn exorcism.

unique_stephen said...

My kids 3&4 sing this. Way cute.

I had me a wonder yesterday- if Cash had an experience with thrush ??

Makes the words different.