...and here is BNP top gorilla Bob Bailey kicking some kid in the head. The kid spat at him but even so... Hat Tip to Hope Not Hate.
Beyond that, the rabbit has nothing to add as regards the election at this stage. Except of course this. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's Farm no more. Fact.
Oh and just to raise the tone some bloke in Germany has married his cat. You know it makes sense. The happy event is on video so follow the link. Hat Tip to Sarcastic Bastard.
Okay a parting, parting shot on the election, one tiny footprint in the sands of time for the rabbit (well, idea by the rabbit , execution by Beau Bo D'Or) was the disobey Murdoch thing. It got everywhere - including YouTube! Fact!
damn right my leporine chum - you can't respect a woman who has a bedroom window made out of bricks - i mean that's just weird.
my commiserations to you and all of our ilk, for whom today will be sad and difficult. i had a text today from a friend whom i called in tears when blair got in (fraid it's true...) saying the long night of tory rule was over...goodnight ladies!
try your best to be just like you are - that should be ok. unless everyone wants you to be like them; then that would be bad.
Quick! Someone hide the cigars............
Election is game-on, BNP website and twitter and facebook is down, the turn out is high...maybe, just maybe it'll be alright for left leaning politics.
Thanks for the Bob Bailey clip WR. I've just had a BNP long-time challenge me to identify violent BNP supporters: so far I've only managed 3 convicted of serious crimes, Terence Gavan, Robert Cottage and David Copeland.
After 10 years it's nice of that German dude to make an honest feline out of her!
The World has gone completely BARKING Mad........!!!
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