Saturday 22 May 2010

Meet Dramatic Cat...

A quick bit of lazy blogging today. Meet Dramatic Cat. Doesn't the feline camp up the amazement just a touch? Hat Tip to Blurred Clarity (link to left). At the time of writing Blackpool are winning the Championship Play Off Final 3-2. Like the overwhelming body of neutrals, I want Blackpool to win. It's a romantic/underdog thing. Okay, they just won...


Minx said...

Blackpool WON?!?! *** waaaaaaaah!!!!* :((((

white rabbit said...

Never mind, your Minxitude. I do know how annoying it is, though, when everyone is drooling over the opposition's plucky victory.

Sometimes it's not easy being the overdog :(

eg 1973 (which we don't talk about)