Friday, 30 October 2009

Pictures of Lily...

...came to mind so there ya go. It has also come to my attention that some bloke from Walsall - where else? - has become Britain's oldest father of twins, I don't wish to be unkind but isn't there something scarily bug eyed about aforesaid twins.


Petit fleur said...

I miss those crazy costumes! Great vid. Like looking into a time capsule.
Happy Halloween!

Barlinnie said...

They've obviously realised just what an eejit their faither looks in his chav fitba shirt.

Hang your head in shame man.

Verdant Earl said...

I just love a song about adolescent masturbation fantasies. :)

savannah said...

what a contrast...thanks for the giggle, sugar! (i do wonder if missus is prepared to raise those twins on her own. dad looks a bit too close to edge to me!) xoxoxoxo

M said...

Gorgeous family... *coughs*
some people just have to spread their genes around ,no matter what..

Mahal said...

But what else is there to do in Walsall?

white rabbit said...

Thanks to all.

Fleur - Belated happy halloween back to you.

Mr Bastard - chav fitba shirt??? How unkind!!! In Walsall that's called 'dressing for dinner' Well posh innit?

Earl - Um... Do you? TMI ;)

savannah - two parent families rare in Walsall where - in-deeeeeeeeed Mahal - there is very little else for the inmates, sorry residents, to do except - borrowing a phrase from M - spread their genes about